Christliche Programme für Kinder und Erwachsene online anschauen und runterladen!

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Watch and download Bible stories for kids and adults
English Programs

Bible Stories and Hits for Kids - 100 Ezra

vorschaubild Bible Stories and Hits for Kids - 100 Ezra - THE WALLS OF JERUSALEM AND THE TEMPLE WILL BE BUILT AGAIN
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Bible Stories and Hits for Kids - 098 ELISA

vorschaubild Bible Stories and Hits for Kids - 098 ELISA
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Bible Stories and Hits for Kids - 089 BUILDING A TEMPLE

vorschaubild Bible Stories and Hits for Kids - 089 BUILDING A TEMPLE
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Bible Stories and Hits for Kids - 099 DELIVERY OF A TOWN

vorschaubild Bible Stories and Hits for Kids - 099 DELIVERY OF A TOWN
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Bible Stories and Hits for Kids - 090 END OF KING SOLOMON

vorschaubild Bible Stories and Hits for Kids - 090 END OF KING SOLOMON
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Bible Stories and Hits for Kids - 088 SOLOMON’S WISDOM

vorschaubild Bible Stories and Hits for Kids - 088 SOLOMON’S WISDOM
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What is Joy TV Channel?
TV programs for kids and adults with...
• Bible stories
• Interviews with people who experience how God makes a difference in their day to day life
• Counseling retreats with Gertraud L. Mayer
... because our kids deserve it
kind Why Christian programs for kids?

Because our children deserve it. Children's programs with values and everything that's fun for kids - music, dance, adventure, travel, puppet shows.
... with Gertraud L. Mayer

Author and producer of biblical radio dramas and music records.

Series producer:

Ray of hope
Biblical Stories for young and old
Kids hit parade
Bible Stories and Hits for Kids

Appearances on TV for 23 years. Mainly at home in Berlin and Jerusalem.

License owner of Berlin TV station "Spreekanal" since 1985