When King Solomon was king the people could also come to him if they needed help. Two mothers came to him with a baby and each of them claimed that this was their baby – Solomon gave a wise advice. What he said you will see in the program. It is better if we always say the truth. Lies come out sooner or later. Our Heavenly Father loves us if we are truthful. In the 10 commandments it says that we should not lie. Jesus (Jeschua) said – I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but through me. John chapter 3, Verse 16 (duration of the video: 20 minutes).
Gertraud L. Mayer
Länge der Folge auf DVD, soweit oben nicht anders angegeben: 30 min
Als DVD bestellen: EUR 13.95Als Videodatei herunterladen (Download) EUR 3.90
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