The army was too large so GOD told him to select less soldiers. What they had to do you will see in the program. To show that the GOD of ISRAEL gave the victory over their enemies, they had to be only very few soldiers - so it was obvious that GOD did the miracle. Gideon did what GOD told him to do. Finally when they saw the big army - they knew only GOD could give them the victory. GOD told Gideon exactly what he had to do - which strategy he had to follow - he did so - and....the enemies were fleeing and even left all their belongings behind they were so afraid. If the GOD of Israel protects us - we don't need to be afraid - he can help in impossible situations. We can honour GOD by trusting him. See more in the program. Filmed near Beit Shean, Gideon Spring, Israel (duration of the video: 16 minutes).
Gertraud L. Mayer
Länge der Folge auf DVD, soweit oben nicht anders angegeben: 30 min
Als DVD bestellen: EUR 13.95Als Videodatei herunterladen (Download) EUR 3.90
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