It was not easy for Abraham to leave his homeland and go to a place which he even did not know - But Abraham was a very obedient man - he did what GOD asked him to do - even if he did not know where He would lead him. The strong belief of Abraham is still an example for us. Trust in Him - even if you don’t know what your new way will bring. At the last days the Tanach - Old Testament tells us that GOD will gather the people of Israel around the world and bring them back in their land. This is happening today. People of over 100 nations did already come back to Israel. Perhaps Jewish people are also hearing the call - come back to Israel. So for them it is also not easy to leave everything behind and do the step of faith and make Alliah to Israel. But if He calls you to do so - you surely will be blessed if you obey and come home to Israel. Filmed in the Judean desert (duration of the video: 17 minutes).
Gertraud L. Mayer
Länge der Folge auf DVD, soweit oben nicht anders angegeben: 30 min
Als DVD bestellen: EUR 13.95Als Videodatei herunterladen (Download) EUR 3.90
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