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Bible Stories and Hits for Kids - 003 KAIN AND ABEL

vorschaubild Bible Stories and Hits for Kids - 003 KAIN AND ABEL

Before Kain hurts his brother Abel GOD warns him not to do any harm to his brother. Kain was just envious or jealous that GOD showed more sympathy to the sacrifice of Abel than to his. Before we do something wrong GOD warns us in our mind not to do so. If we disobey the inner warning voice often something bad will happen. So not GOD is responsible for the bad things which happen between people - often the people themselves hurt one another. So they are responsible not GOD. Let’s hear and listen to our conscience when we hear the warning not to do something bad. See more in the program, filmed in Jerusalem, Israel (duration of the video: 25 minutes).

Gertraud L. Mayer

Länge der Folge auf DVD, soweit oben nicht anders angegeben: 30 min



Als DVD bestellen: EUR 13.95
Als Videodatei herunterladen (Download) EUR 3.90

Die Online-Version ist im WMV-Format (Windows Media Video) (Mac-Benutzer siehe hier), und alle Musiktitel sind aus rechtlichen Gründen auf 20 Sekunden gekürzt.

Sie dürfen das Video für den Privatgebrauch und Ihre Kinderarbeit nutzen, aber keiner Form weiterverbreiten, vervielfältigen, bearbeiten, oder ähnliches.

What is Joy TV Channel?
TV programs for kids and adults with...
• Bible stories
• Interviews with people who experience how God makes a difference in their day to day life
• Counseling retreats with Gertraud L. Mayer
... because our kids deserve it
kind Why Christian programs for kids?

Because our children deserve it. Children's programs with values and everything that's fun for kids - music, dance, adventure, travel, puppet shows.
... with Gertraud L. Mayer

Author and producer of biblical radio dramas and music records.

Series producer:

Ray of hope
Biblical Stories for young and old
Kids hit parade
Bible Stories and Hits for Kids

Appearances on TV for 23 years. Mainly at home in Berlin and Jerusalem.

License owner of Berlin TV station "Spreekanal" since 1985