David was so sad when he heard that his son Absalom died. He cried very loud. He should have shown Absalom his love while he was still alive - now it was too late. But the enemies used the situation and said - we must attack David while he is mourning. Sometimes we lose a close friend and even harder situations come. It is so good that we can ask the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for help that he comforts us and that he helps our hearts when we are sad. See more in the program. Filmed in Israel (duration of the video: 20 minutes).
Gertraud L. Mayer
Länge der Folge auf DVD, soweit oben nicht anders angegeben: 30 min
Als DVD bestellen: EUR 13.95Als Videodatei herunterladen (Download) EUR 3.90
Die Online-Version ist im WMV-Format (Windows Media Video) (Mac-Benutzer siehe hier), und alle Musiktitel sind aus rechtlichen Gründen auf 20 Sekunden gekürzt.
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